Many thanks to Joern Menninger from Startuprad.io Podcast for the great interview and intriguing conversation about marketing & tech entrepreneurship.
As the Co-founder of Instigo & Instigo Audiences, I was delighted to hop on one of the most influential and inspiring podcasts in the tech space
and share my (our) story.
Joe is a visionary himself and covers a lot of ground trying to revile the nature of tech entrepreneurs.
“Instigo is a multi-platform marketing tool, based in Vienna. Dror has been a marketing manager, working across multiple platforms. With this experience, he set out to create a platform that allows advertising frictionless, with consistent data across as many platforms as possible. They already made the first steps and convinced the first investors”
“Managing marketing platforms across 6–7 platforms and projects is very challenging. … We wanted to create a growth marketing tool for marketers like us”.
Dror Hasman, Co-Founder
So we actually identified from the beginning and throughout the project 5 major challenges Facebook Advertisers face and developed separate solutions to each of them.
The 1st was the centralizing of all marketing activities under 1 roof with Instigo as the primary ad management tool (LinkedIn and Tok Tok will join our family soon).
The 2nd is the unleashing of all limitations for integration of Ad Accounts and Team Members.
While managing our digital agency we understood a lot about the growth pains agencies and Upwork \ Fiverr freelancers face, that experience grew stronger as we started working with more agencies and freelancers as design partners & early users.
What we noticed is that managing multiple projects, ad accounts, and team members simultaneously can be a bit chaotic on many platforms. so we developed a “Workspaces” feature and unleashed all limitations of integrations Ad Accounts \ team members
So users can manage all their team members and ad accounts and projects with better structure.
The 3rd is the implementing of an easy-to-use dashboard for wide-scope access
As a result of involving Facebook Ads experts from the begging, we managed to design a super friendly User Interface and User Experience Dashboard, that way they users can:
— Analyze the performances of the campaigns better
—Evaluate the engagements of the ads regionally worldwide easier
—Explore different metrics breakdowns
The 4th, and the most important problem we solved, is Audience Automation using machine learning algorithms.
So, what we found from our own experience as well as while working with design partners as Early Users, is that the most technical and hectic part in the process of launching a new campaign is building a good viable Audience.
This is where marketers spend on average between 20 to 35 minutes.
So with Instigo Audiences, users can reach a vast range of options for their Facebook targeting.
* What users are benefiting from our machine learning is:
“Natural Language Understanding” (NLU) models, enable our software to truly understand what audiences our users are after, and locate for them the most suitable ones.
* Analyzing the success rates of different audiences & campaigns and detecting the factors that caused those campaigns to be successful.
* “Reinforcement Learning” modules to create models that can learn the best methods and suggestions, so that we can recommend to our users which parameters to choose for every audience. Imagine Amazon’s product recommendations – but for the Facebook audience.
* In addition, we also use machine learning algorithms such as “Roberta”, which helps us cluster segments and fetch better and more quality audiences for users, based on inserting keywords.
* (Roberta is one of Google’s primary machine learning algorithms)
* This process of Deep Learning or also known as “Transformers Algorithms”, evidently enables users to find audiences faster, scale up their reach and launch better campaigns.
* Cutting down a hectic process of approximately 25 minutes on average to 2.5 minutes with unlimited options.
The 5th challenge we identified and launched a solution for is Instigo Audiences, released as a “Standalone” product – a sophisticated, affordable audiences optimization tool.
So, for users who want to harvest audience optimizations via advanced machine learning algorithms, but still continue using Facebook Ads Manager as their primary tool without paying savvy monthly subscriptions based on Ad Spend (as is customary in ad management software in our industry, for us as well as for our competitors).
This is why we decided to launch an additional tool adjacent to Instigo, but connected to it, that will only focus on audiences called Instigo Audiences.
The benefit of using Instigo Audiences as a standalone product enables digital marketers to enjoy the full suite of ad management services if they choose to export their audiences to instigo. However, if they want to continue using Facebook Ads Manager and continue using it if they are used to it.
So we are not limiting users or chaining them to our platform, meaning, if users are used to Facebook Ads Manager and don’t want to pay us or our competitors a monthly subscription based on Ad Spend and enjoy the “Full Suit” of our services, they can use just use Instigo Audiences and export their audiences directly to ads manager and just pay $19 for the audience tool, that way we created a fast, sophisticated and affordable solution for the mass public.
But, the way I see it, Instigo Audiences is more than just a Facebook Audiences tool, it’s a time management tool because time is the most incredible resource.
So when you involve a community of Facebook Ads experts with the power of Machine Learning that is constantly learning, suggesting, tagging, and improving audiences, it saves you hours weekly \ monthly in searching for new targeting segments to reach your ultimate audiences.
But enough talking.
See for yourself how fast and easy a Facebook audience creation can be.